Sunday, January 15, 2017

Foreign Folktales in Hindi Ready-4

About four months ago I published my last blog about the "Foreign Folktales in Hindi-3".

It is quite some time now, It needs now an update.
The number of my folktales is continuously increasing, It has reached now from 1,100 to more than 1,200. It is a good progress, I believe. I am happy that this collection is increasing day by day,

As you might be aware that my one book "Raven Ki Lok Kathayen-1" (Folktales of Raven-1) has already been published by Indra Publishing House, Bhopal, India, last year in 2016. It was sent free to many organizations, schools, people. It is still free to those who ask for it.

Raven is a crow-like bird which is a very famous and important character of folktales of Native Indians of North America continent.

Last month, ie in December 2016, two more books were published - "Ethiopia Ki Lok Kathayen-1" and "Ethiopia Ki Lok Kathayen-2" (Folktales of Ethiopia-1" and "Folktales of Ethiopia-2").
They were published by Prabhat Prakashan, Delhi, India.

I am very pleased to inform all of you that all the three books have joined the International Book Fair 2017 held in Delhi from 7th January 2017.

All these books have been published under the Project "Gyan Daan" Project.
Although these books are free to needy people, but it is requested that some other people, whoever can afford, should also take a pledge to donate these books to needy people.

It is nor necessary to spend a lot of money on this. A very small amount is enough to start with. If you feel comfortable and satisfied with this arrangement, you can continue it in that way, or increase the number of books to be donated gradually.

My suggestion is choose any number of people or children (recommended number is 5) in your neighborhood, or in your acquaintance, or at any primary or secondary school, or at any orphanage, or any children's hospital, or even at any Old Age Home and distribute any one title every month.

People will read them, tell them to one another and increase the horizon of their own knowldge as well their children's and other peoples' knowledge. Since these books are in very easy spoken Hindi language, it will be easy for anyone to read and understand them.

You may obtain these books by sending an e-mail to -- 

Besides these titles, there are many other titles also available to people. Presently these titles are available only on CDs. I will publish the list of these books in my next blog.

Please help us to extend this Project by donationg the knowledge to as many people as you can.
Remember, "Gyan Daan" is the greatest Daan (donation) you can make to people. Its beauty is that the donor need not to have the knowledge himself, still he can donate it to as many people as he likes or wants or afford. So please participate in this Project, make it a success and earn some Punya.

To read more about these folktales please search for "Foreign Foktales in Hindi" in Labels. 

Sushma Gupta 


  1. yes, I have been supporting Sushma for her efforts in this regard. She has been working hard for getting these books out for public use. very different kind of literature.
